Over 500 bladers from around the world converged at Camp Woodward in Woodward, Pennsylvania from Sep 20 to Sep 22, 2019 for the 2nd incarnation of What Year Is It? Organized by Cameron Card and Long Tonthat, WYII is a way to build the Inline skating influence at Camp Woodward and create an event that could bring us all together. This year they added small courses, events, yoga, slalom and introduced the blade market, which helped skaters sell their old items, as well as helps brands recoup travel costs.

This is Part 1 of our coverage of WYII 2019. It features questions and answers with 39 bladers who attended. Through these people’s highlights, accomplishments and experiences you will dive into what it was like being at Woodward for WYII and hopefully you’ll make plans to attend in 2020.
Adam Bazydlo // 33 // Fayetteville, GA

Have you been to Woodard before?
ODDLY enough.. the only time I went was with Long and Oak City when the inception of this idea for WYII started… and the next time was this past weekend with 500+ people
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
A weekend with 500+ rollerbladers at Woodward!! Hahaha… Also Blake Taylor asked me to road trip up with him and join
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Anything mega ramp. Catching up with people I never get to see. Making new friends! The Hot Dog best trick comp…
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
540 over the mini mega (smallest launch hahah)
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Tri Tri has some ridiculous chess slides, Eric Michael and anything he did on the Mega Ramp, also some chick in roller skates sending the mega was pretty dope!
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
….See y’all next year
Alex Hogan // 34 // Boston, Massachusetts

Have you been to Woodard before?
This was my third trip to Woodward. My first time was, I think in 2014 with Biff. My last time was for WYII 2018.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
A big group of us from Boston went to the first WYII and it was incredible. Wouldn’t have missed the sequel for the world.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
There were too many highlights to name. As cliche as it sounds, it was just so much fun spending the weekend with such good friends, new and old.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Managing to get home safe in one piece.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Probably Luke Naylor’s inspin backside backslide to topsoul, that won the Visaid contest.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
WYII might be the best event I’ve ever attended in 20+ years of rollerblading. Most big gatherings of bladers center around a contest. WYII is just a huge 48-hour session at one of the greatest skating facilities on the planet. It is a truly beautiful thing and I hope I can attend for years to come.
Angie Bender // 33 // Easton, Pennsylvania
Have you been to Woodward before?
My first time was actually WYII 2018, my last time was around March of this year to film the promo for WYII2019! Before then I was there to celebrate Mike Falcone’s 40th birthday!
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I have been waiting all year since the first WYII and have been buzzing since then! Woodward has this incredible way of rehabbing us from our every day stresses, anxieties and troubles. It’s a retreat that welcomes like minded adults with open non-judgmental arms. The support and energy from the rollerblading community is infectious and enriching!
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The welcoming when we first arrived! We were treated like real campers with red carpets and velvet ropes! The skate sessions on the Rock with my girls from the Bra Squad! Meeting and speaking with new Bladies, Skatie’s and having a sit down with Kyle Sola at the end of the snake run just talking about life. There are far too many things to list but the most important thing was sharing this incredible experience with over 500 bladers.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Landing some fun gaps at the outdoor street area, landing some dope X-grinds at playground and skating the early morning 7 mile skate with Cameron Card’s little son Tad Card! He’s a beast! He skated the whole thing with us!
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Dwight Harding’s fishbrain stall on the roof at the outdoor street watch tower, Jon Cooley’s corked 900 at outdoor street or Tri-Tri Rudolf’s crazy painful looking pud cess slide across 3 picnic tables at The Rock!
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
My experience this year was just so…powerful! Events like this are what brings people into our community to stay for life. The passion that surrounds us all is enough to bring anyone out of a dark place to motivate them to be a better person. The camaraderie, the love the respect is so appreciated and needed.
I didn’t want to leave! We actually had to have staff tell us to get out and it’s always so bittersweet to leave camp and go back to our normal lives. Woodward just has a way of showing us that they really love us all. I can’t thank the staff (Especially Jan Williams for cleaning up my buddy Ryan after he took a spill that landed him in the hospital!) or Long or Cam enough for what they do for us all! Until next year!!
Arnav “Sonic” Shah // 33 // Queens, New York
Have you been to Woodard before?
This is my first time, but I’ve wanted to check it out since learning about the facility a couple of years ago.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
Cameron invited me to teach slalom and it seemed like an awesome opportunity to get this art in front of over 500 super capable skaters. Besides that, I was looking forward to seeing and meeting tons of people from the greater aggressive skating community, as it’s a world I’m not super involved with yet.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
It felt absolutely surreal to see so many roller bladers everywhere. It was as if I’d died and woke up in a video game.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Playing in the foam pit was a blast, and I finally got to put tumbling and skating together and even add a bit of flair to some moves.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I didn’t get much chance to watch other skaters as I was busy teaching classes and doing my own thing, but I was struck by the creativity by some aggressive skaters in my slalom classes. One was playing around on the cones and started coming up with “new” moves, which happened to be some pretty high level slalom moves beyond my own current ability.
You came to represent skate IA and teach Slalom lessons? How did people react to your booth and how many people attended the lessons? How was it teaching aggressive skaters at an event like this?
Malik (a SkateIA instructor and certifier) and myself spoke with tons of skaters at the booth. Some had heard of SkateIA and others had not. But either way, many put their names down to attend a future instructor certification.
Regarding the two slalom classes, the turnout was steller. We had aggressive inline skaters as well as quad skaters. They not only came to class with an open mind and positive attitude, but they absolutely crushed it with the new moves.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
On the last day, I heard someone say “so sore, but worth it” and that seemed to be the feeling amongst everyone, including myself. There was such good energy overall but I feel everyone was really trying to pack it in with the limited time we had at camp. I personally felt I was just scratching the surface with learning new things and playing with the different “toys”, so it’d be awesome to see the next iteration of WYII be longer. Either way, this year was perfect for what it was worth 🙂
Austin Paz // 31 // Staten Island, New York
Have you been to Woodward before?
I first came to Woodward when I was about 17 or so, when I was riding for Bunique we took a trip up there one summer. The last time I went was around April when Cam and Long invited a few people up to help shoot a promo video for WYII.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
Last year was way too fun not to do it again and especially after hearing how much it was growing since 2018, I had to be a part of it. Now that the weekend is over, I would’ve been shooting myself for missing out on this trip.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The main highlight is obviously seeing all my friends that I don’t get to see too often. I also got to do a little show for my podcast (Jump Street) where we had about 160 people attend. It was a great feeling being able to fill all those seats! It was definitely a successful weekend.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I always want to challenge myself on the mini mega since that’s the only place you get a chance to skate something like that. I got to get a 4-5ft air on the quarter pipe, which I was always too much of a bitch to commit to, so that felt really good to hit the launch then catch an air afterwords. In my personal opinion, that’s what separates the men from the boys when skating the mini mega! Haha.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Chad Hornish did this crazzzzzy soul transfer at the school the first night. It’s kind of hard to explain without a picture of the spot, but he transfer from this bank/quarter pipe to the top of this 12-15ft wall, then dropped over a rail into a 2ft bank. It was absolutely gnarly! Especially since that’s not a park known for people throwing hammers at.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I feel very accomplished, motivated, and inspired. I’ve been to Woodward maybe 15 times or so and this was by far the best trip yet. So many awesome things happened, I met so many new people, so many people had fun, and it makes me want to be more involved in any way I can. This is the future of blading events (at least in the US) and I can only imagine what it will become next year. WYII is one of those trips that all these 500 people talk about and wait for all year. My whole Facebook feed for the past few months has been people counting down the days and I can’t believe we’re at the point where we have to wait the longest possible time to do it again.
Brandon Ford // 36 // Boston, Massachusetts
Have you been to Woodward before?
I didn’t make it to Woodward until I was like 26 when I was invited to go with the USD boys. #igrewuppoor. I went last year.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
#ihavepeterpansyndrome I wanted to come to see everyone honestly the skating aspect is fun but I’m really just go to see everybody.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I threw a lil night rail jam. That was fun.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Top 3 in no specific order:
1. Andy Leiterman misty flip cess slid the mega like a asshole
2. Dwight Harding fish brain stalled the roof in the outdoor st like a boss
3. Chad Hornish did some gap to topsoul in the school the gap in was like 20 ft. My first thought was like “Wow, what an intro!”
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I can sum it up with one word and one word only. CRITTER
Brent Scherer // 27 // Allentown, Pennsylvania
Have you been to Woodward before?
My first time at Woodward was when I was 9 years old in 2001. I was a camper 7 years in a row until I was 16, then I worked as a counselor and in-line instructor from 2011-2012. 2012 being the last time I was at Woodward.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I wanted to come to WWII this year in particular because a lot of the local skaters around me were already signed up. Then I kept hearing about the potential of a record breaking attendance of rollerbladers at Woodward. This sold me because I always remembered seeing an abundance of rollerbladers at camp when I was young, as compared when I worked there. This is something I definitely wanted to be apart of. Also, I love the facilities at Woodward. State of the art parks and they’re constantly adding new parks and other unique obstacles to skate.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
The highlight of my weekend was just seeing nobody but rollerbladers at Woodward . That was truly a beautiful sight. That is something I never thought I would ever get to see or experience. Also, an incredibly rare sight at Woodward. Definitely a first.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I feel accomplished that I spent a full Saturday doing nothing but skate. That doesn’t happen in my busy life right now. Spending the whole day from sunrise to sunset with new and old friends smiling and doing something we all love together is something I just can’t put into words.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Jimmy Shuda’s fishbrain at the snake run was the coolest trick I’ve seen all week. I’ve admired him since I was a kid, his style and skating is timeless. He killed it this weekend.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
My experience at WWII was amazing. I really did feel like I was a kid again. Couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve ever felt that way. The whole weekend was something I will never forget. As long as WWII is still alive, I will be there.
Caleb Smith // 29 // Des Moines, Iowa
Have you been to Woodward before?
I have been to Woodward once, it was last year at WYII 2018. It was truly incredible.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I had such a good time last year I knew I couldn’t miss it for anything this year.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
I love being able to connect with friends from far away in real life. It’s cool that technology has given us the ability to stay connected across distances but it’s never as good as connecting in real life. Laughing and telling stories. Shredding and hanging out in a beautiful landscape. Having skaters from so many cities and scenes in such a surreal place is so sick.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
On top of a morning 20k on Saturday I managed to skate obstacles in 3 different parks I wouldn’t normally have ever skated. And doing a 3 soul on the mega quarter was definitely a huge rush. That’s by far the biggest obstacle I’ve ever done that trick on.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I have two for sure, the first was watching Chase Linzmeyer (Minneapolis, MN) flawlessly switchup across a p-rail down in B3, he was on a fresh flat setup and was throwing all sorts of acid and soul combos effortlessly. It was tight. The other was watching Andy Lietermann (Boston, MA) soul grind 360 inspin cess down the 6ft.’r in cloud nine. That dude is on some sauce.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
WYII is hard to encapsulate in only a few words. For me it’s a magical weekend of shredding with homies from everywhere. A mass of moving energy and a huge collective consciousness of like-minded individuals sharing something they all have a passion for. So much learning, laughing, chilling, and memories to keep for life. WYII is definitely now a permanent weekend on my life calendar. I’m super grateful for Cameron & Long, their wife’s and family & all the homies that helped to make this weekend so rad.
Carson Starnes // 26 // Atlanta, Georgia

Have you been to Woodward before?
2 weeks each summer between 2000 and 2009
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
To smash some claws with my dawgs.. cha
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Skating the cloud 9 spine for surre
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I held Henry for like 15 whole minutes ha
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Kyle Sola front b slide to t soul on the h pipe. Also Carson invert to ttp. Also this dude hit the fakie 450 backside like a G at the Oak City sesh.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Nostalgic and nourishing
Chad Hornish // 28 // Phoenix, Arizona

Have you been to Woodward before?
This is my first time at Woodward East .I have been to Woodward west before. My first time there was probably around 2006? As a camper. The last time I was there in July for Intuition skate shop week 7.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I mean.. it’s a weekend at Woodward. Who wouldn’t want to be there?? But. Knowing that there were soo many people last year forsure made my decision easier.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
MEGA RAMP. Period.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Honestly just making it the whole weekend without getting hurt is an a accomplishment in itself. Other than that, I feel like I did a couple of tricks on obstacles not yet skated by rollerbladers that I’m proud of. Clips will surface soon.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I’m not sure exactly who it was.. but I saw in the distance someone cork 900 the biggest part of the mega. That was nuts to see. Especially from a far.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
A BLAST. 10/10. 5 stars.
Dale Travers // 40 // Brisbane, Australia

Have you been to Woodward before?
No, grew up seeing the park on videos but this was my first chance to come.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I’ve always wanted to come Woodward for the last 20 years, given the opportunity to skate with mates I haven’t seen in just as many years came up, I had to come.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Meeting and skating with guys my own age and reminiscing on old times. Skating some of the best parks in the world was also a highlight.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Landing some of my staple tricks on bigger ramps was a highlight. Also heading out at sunrises to capture some content of the magical landscape. For me
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Watching multiple skaters give the mega ramp a go and slowly progress into bigger and bigger tricks.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I would recommend this weekend for anyone who has dreamed of skating woodward. The camp is amazing and this weekend gave rollerbladers the opportunity to enjoy the camp and skate whatever we wanted when we wanted.
Another huge positive for me was catching up with skaters from all over the US in one place. It gave us time to chill and catch up with each person and connect on another level than just sessioning at a skatepark. I’ve made life long friends out of this sport and having 2 full days, it gave me time to build on those relationships.
Even though I am from Australia, We grew up on the US scene and I have traveled here multiple times over my skating and photography career. We have amazing people in our sport and watching them achieve their goals in life, has been positive for me.
Eric Michael // 29 // Tampla, Florida

Have you been to Woodward before?
Yes. Camper in 2006. Also worked there last summer. 3.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
The mini mega and vert ramp.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The entire weekend was a highlight, absolutely surreal to be around so many bladers and see so many familiar faces in one place, and Woodward at that.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Backflip 360 and Cork 9 on the mini mega!
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Watched a battle for an outspin 3 soul on the mega quarter that was gnarly.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
The whole thing felt like a lucid dream. Truly incredible to be a part of!
Frank Stoner // 38 // Denver, Colorado

Have you been to Woodward before?
I’ve been to Woodward many, many times. I went as a camper from 96 to 2000, and I was an instruction from 2000 to 2003 or so. The last time I went there at all was around New Years, 2004, I think.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I was keen to skate the mini mega and catch up with old friends.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
I did a good alley oop unity/front sav in the Lot 8 bowl and made it pretty far around. That felt pretty good. Getting to chat with Clark Kirkman and Tim Schmit about ramp design was a big highlight too. Both of those dudes are rad. We’re having talks about doing a national level mini ramp comp–maybe with a final out at Woodward West. Stay tuned on that one!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Honestly, just showing up was the biggest thing for me. Shit is pretty complicated for me at the moment, and carving out the time to go was really important.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I saw Mike Bennett do a true fish on the Cloud 9 ramp, that was really great to see because I know how much trouble he’s had with serious injuries.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Seeing everybody from back in the day was really great. Long and Cameron and Kendall and everybody else involved did a really fantastic job. The trade show part, too, is pretty much a necessity these days–I’m glad they included that. Everyone (in the main) was very respectful and it bodes well for rollerblading that we can manage and participate successfully and courteously in this kind of event. Great time!
Guy Crawford // 40 // Toronto, Canada

Have you been to Woodward before?
This was my second visit, the first was last year for WYII ’18.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Last year did – and having the opportunity to see so many friends all in one place.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Highlights were the quiet sessions happening all around the complex, the tradeshow and staying in the lodge.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I got to skate the mini mega again and didn’t die.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Eric Michael skating the mini mega like a warrior.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
An unmissable event, full of friends and a relaxed, happy vibe with beautiful scenery and the best obstacles in the world.
Guy Penha Jr. // 34 // East Providence, Rhode Island
Have you been to Woodward before?
Yes, I have been to woodward before. I cannot remember the year, however K-rob himself “Kevin Robinson, invited me to stay there for a weekend years back. I was old enough to drive there and make the decision myself to go. Haha. What an honor it was.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The highlights of my weekend were, mainly the fact of being around so many great skaters. The costume party was epic. Amazing idea. Meeting legends. And networking.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My greatest personal accomplishment of the weekend was managing a way to not get hurt while still going big.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
The coolest trick I saw honestly has to be my AO fishbrain look back middle finger. Haha. There were many great tricks pulled but that to me was the “coolest trick” The craziest thing i saw was when Jordan A. Tried to fakie backflip the stair set and eat it.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Id sum up the weekend as the greatest rollerblading experience of my life. Ive been skating 24 years and theres nothing ive done that can compare to WYII 2019. I cant wait for 2020. It would be great if yal could do it at woodward west for 2020. I think that could be a way to one up the event. I know that wasnt a question but thats my 2 cents
Hawke Trackler // 32 // Columbus, Ohio
Have you been to Woodward before?
I had been once before 3-years-ago but never as a camper. I believe it would have been like the trial run of the actual event.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I needed to be here this weekend to literally witness the growth of this event. I have been rollerblading for so long and wouldn’t have wanted to miss this for anything. It has helped reshape the way I think and feel about skating.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
A few highlights of my weekend were 1. Being able to first hand watch such A fun event rise from the ashes and become something I will look forward to for years to come. 2. Seeing A dope tradeshow in person again was something straight out of a BCSD 8 year memory Facebook post shit haha. It was beautiful to see, hold products, talk to people and just overall for me have fun for me I guess. 3. The HotDog Contest was AMAZING and serving the hotdogs was some next level sh*t man haha. I had a blast watching that for sure and I know a lot of other people did as well.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My favorite accomplishment was at around 2 AM at The Rock doing half cab toe roll on the platform where that long low mellow spine is at up top. I have been trying out toe roll stuff more often so was happy I could do that atlas one haha.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Caleb Smith doing 360 soul on the quarter of the mega ramp was the craziest trick I think I filmed. I watched Eric Michael do A gnarly cork 720 like A gangster.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I would have to say overall it was a pretty big letdown and I hope they cancel it and the amish mafia burns down woodward and I never get to go ever again. I also would like to thank Long Hat and Business Card for helping put together what I feel and I will quote myself on this “The WYII Events will be the breaths of fresh air that brings life back into rollerblading.” I cant wait till next year!
Ian Hutchinson // 34 // Warwick, Rhode Island
Have you been to Woodward before?
First visited Woodward Summer 2000 as a camper & last visited WYII 2018.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I came back to Woodward to grill & chill with the homies and shred heavy.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Major highlights of my wknd: Big Drizz flying during Eddie Chung’s Long Distance Launch Contest & Collin Martin’s Coil Theory class.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My fav personal accomplishment of the wknd was not only completing the three tables challenge at The Rock (assembled by Andy ‘Sideshow’ Leitermann) but also finessing frontside slides down it for the gram.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Coolest trick I witnessed from the comfort of cabin 23A (Team Driz) was Arnav Sonic Shah’s high speed soul slashes down Big Air Drive. Craziest trick was Rob Dargiewicz’s Mega Misty!
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Frickin’ sweet dood!!!
Jan Eric Welch // 43 // Lyndonville, Vermont
Have you been to Woodward before?
The first time I went to Woodward was in 2001 for ?????. The last time I visited Woodward was earlier this year when filming for the WYII promo edit.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I missed last year and it really looked like a blast. I didn’t think I would make it this year, because of my back injury and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to skate. I decided that even though I wasn’t going to roll around I couldn’t miss the oppurtinity to hang out and meet up with many old friends.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The highlights of my weekend was seeing so many inline skaters together at one time. It was rad seeing people shredding everywhere, learning slalom with Sonic, waking up early and doing Yoga and cruising around on big wheel blades. The best part of the weekend for me though was seeing old friends I hadn’t seen in 15-20 years and making even more new ones!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Seeing so many people skating on various Big Wheel Blading setups. Also I’m stoked I didn’t lose anything except a stack of Big Wheel Blading stickers.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
John Cooleys double grab 900 on the mini mega and Caleb Smith’s 360 soul on the quarter of the mini mega.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
It was an absolute blast. It’s up there in the top 3 of all blading events I’ve been to in my nearly 30 years of skating. I recommend everyone come next year even if you can’t skate. The social aspect and positive vibes are worth it alone.
Jason Reyna // 35 // Dallas, Texas

Have you been to Woodward before?
This was my first time to Woodward East. I’ve been to Woodward west a bunch though.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
Oh I wanted to go last year also the timing was just off. This year it lined up!
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Just catching up with friends and skating and meeting new people. It was a lot of fun.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Not getting hurt.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Watching people skate the mini mega with such comfort and ease is just wild to me.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Family reunion
Jimmy Shuda // 39 // Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Have you been to Woodward before?
I’ve only been to Woodward a handful of times. The first time I was probably 17 and I broke my knee cap after only being there a few hours when i landed a fakie 5 and my front wheel went through the wood landing of a pyramid. The last time I went was over last winter for a day for Mike Falcone’s 40th birthday.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I’ve more recently started skating a lot more and have been living a way healthier lifestyle that has allowed me to do so. Between work and family life I never find a lot of time to skate so for this event I was able to plan well in advance and make it work. Also there were a bunch of people going that I was looking forward to spending a skate weekend with.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Highlights for me for the weekend were more about the people I got to catch up with that I haven’t seen in a really long time. I spent a lot of time with Julio, Reyna and Kyle Sola and also got to catch up with some old friends from across the globe. Also had a great time hanging out with you Jan and it is always a pleasure to hang with my NYC friends.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Skating hard for 2.5 days in a row. I can’t tell you when the last time I skated hard two days in a row. Quite honestly its probably been about 15 years. I was really pushing myself this trip to keep going. Like I said, I’ve been eating super healthy and on a pretty regimented running routine. If I tried to do that a year ago, I’d be hospitalized. But don’t get me wrong, by the end of the trip I felt like I was hit by several trucks, several times.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Austin Paz laid down a flawless Alleyoop Topsoul on the mini mega quarter, everything Julio does is cool, its super fun to watch Ariel Surun fly wrecklessly, yet in control, around wherever he is skating, and Kyle Sola made a bunch of awesome loud grind noises with his frames – he was super fun to watch.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
What was amazing to me was the positivity there. I experienced such warm welcomes from people who were so happy to see me there and still skating. That felt good. One guy quieted down ‘The Rock’ area – said he was having a moment while watching Majette was filming me skating. The whole time I felt very well appreciated and I hope I showed my appreciation back. It was a really great event for rollerblading.
Jon Cooley // 28 // Greensboro, North Carolina

Have you been to Woodward before?
This was my 10th time at Woodward. The last time I came was for a weekend to film the promo for WYII.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I wanted to come to the event this year because it for the last two years has been the highlight of my year! Tons of friends and tons of blading at the best skateparks in the world!
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The highlight of my weekend was definitely getting to session the mini mega again. Best obstacle ever!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My personal best accomplishment of the weekend was lacing a cork 900 double grab up the step up spin in outdoor street.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
The coolest trick I saw all weekend was Wake Schepman doing a big fakie 540 Lou Lang over the big part of the mega for sure! Love sessioning that ramp with Wake!
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I would sum up this weekend as what blading is all about! All your buddies, the best skating obstacles in the world, and no pressure. I usually don’t get to enjoy parks like I want to on big skate trips due to pressure to film clips or compete so this is just the best feeling, most relaxed event I have ever attended. Good times!!!
Jon Julio // 42 // Santa Ana, California
Have you been to Woodward before?
My first time at Woodward was in 2002 or so.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
Seeing how amazing it looked last year, I couldn’t miss this year.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Hanging out with old and new friends! Jump street podcast with Kyle Sola. Skating with Jimmy Shuda, Chris Majette Austin Richie. Everyone!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Not getting completely broken at any of the parks.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Shuda fishy on the steep wall on the snake run.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Inspiring. Can’t wait till next year. Thank you Long, Cameron, Richie, Pam
John Goez // 37 // Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Have you been to Woodward before?
My first time in Woodward was for the monsters of roll competition way back in the day, I think that was 2002 and my last time being there was last year for the first WYII.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I came back this year because it’s “WOODWARD” lol if I could sum it up in a few words it would go like this. I came because of all my friends and all the blading community, to have a great time with everyone at the place we call Disneyland for bladers “Camp Woodward”
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Plenty of highlights, skating with people that you always see on social media or skate vids, seeing and hanging out with a girl that I really like a lot it’s amazing all this sport has to offer.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My personal accomplishment is always doing what I do best, capturing all those moments with my camera and putting them on social media for the entire blading community to see and making everyone smile and remember the great time they just had.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I can’t even say, so much stuff goes down because of the level of each individual, that’s why blading is so amazing. Everyone skates different and is capable of doing some insane stunts.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
As long as the event keeps taking place I will be there with my crew, it’s one of the most amazing weekends of the most amazing weekend of the year and the people who have attended would agree with me. See you all next year.
Jordan Baez // 28 // New York, New York

Have you been to Woodward before?
I have been to Woodward five times as an adult. my first time was in 2017 I believe.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I came to WYII because one, I love Woodward, and two on regular weekends you’re only allowed to skate lot 8 and cloud 9 and during WYII you can skate everything!
What were the highlights of your weekend?
My weekend highlights was playing a game of skate with the bros talking crap to each other and eating out the Amish super marketer always a high light!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My accomplishments was just to have fun and that was obviously accomplished!
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I don’t know about the craziest trick because soo much shit went down infant of me.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
My WYII experience is different from last year its evolving so I cannot wait til next year!
Julian Coulter // 36 // Barcelona, Spain
Have you been to Woodward before?
Never to PA. I went to Wooodward West once in 2010.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
To skate the Mecca of rollerblading and hang out with all the people there.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Watching my wife get motivated to skate the park and progress (we met skating but she doesn’t like the parks we have where we live so doesn’t skate that much), and skating the mega ramp.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Megaramp tricks (frontflip, 900,…)
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Eric misty flip on the mega ramp and actually airing the mega quarter pipe
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
A dream come true. My only complaint is I wish it were longer!
Kenny “Tico” Talpa // 40 // Vancouver, British Columbia

Have you been to Woodward before?
This was my first time at Woodward
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
It was a childhood dream to go to Woodward. My friend Leon Basin attended last year and told me about it. I made the trip with about 10 other Canadians. We had a blast and all of us want to come back next year.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Highlights were seeing all the amazing skating from everyone, all the different styles and getting to hang with bladers from all walks of life.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My fav personal accomplishment was hitting the mega ramp and learning to frontflip on the resi.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
My fav trick of the weekend was watching jojo land something that has maybe never been done before, fakie cork 5 on the resi.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
This was one of the best blade experiences of my life. Thanks Cam and Long for making it possible as well as Eric from Shop Task Toronto for organizing the cabin. I hope to come back every year for this, hope to see you there again!
Kyle Jordan // 32 // Columbus, Ohio

Have you been to Woodward before?
Never been to Woodward. Been waiting 20 years to get there!
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
There’s been so much hype and so many good edits and stories that came out the past years that I’d be crazy to not want to come out
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The highlights were definitely getting to hang with good people I already knew and meet and Converse with some awesome purple I didn’t. It was really inspiring to get to meet and say thanks to pretty much all the people I respect and look up to in the community
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I FINALLY got to hit the mega ramp. Been wanting to do that ever since I saw one years ago
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Watching Andy Leiterman do a around the world one foot grind all the way across the mini wedge we were skating
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I would say that with all the fun and shenanigans that went on, it was a great place and time for our community to come together. I learned a lot about what goes into doing something as big as this and find myself wanting to do what I can to help and organize more in the following years. CANNOT WAIT for WYII 2020!
Lawrence Ingraham // 43 / Durham, North Carolina

Have you been to Woodard before?
I’ve been to Woodward West, maybe in 2001 or so, but never East.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I was signed up for last year but had a scheduling conflict. If you’re a rollerblader, there’s no better place to skate than Woodward. I was bummed I missed last year and couldn’t picture missing it this time.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Spending the day skating with friends I’ve never met in person was by far the highlight. We could have skated a simple curb and I’d be happy. Was amazing to meet people I’ve only talked with online.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I didn’t push myself too hard. I’m used to skating alone for less than an hour at a time, so really needed to pace myself. I did enjoy the wall ride at Lot 8 though, something I don’t get to do often.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I never knew how good Austin Paz was on the mini mega. He would float a 3 then hit a back royale on the huge quarter. I saw so many people die on that quarter and here he is killing it. Incredible.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
It didn’t feel real, like we travelled back in time to 1997. Seeing that many rollerbladers and meeting so many people was amazing. I can’t wait for next year.
Long Tonthat // 31 // Raleigh, North Carolina

Have you been to Woodward before?
8th time, with my last trip in March
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
What were the highlights of your weekend?
So many happy faces and making dreams come true
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Not getting hurt
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Andy Lieterman misty cess
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Unforgettable weekend with an unlimited amount of positivity!
Matt Burke // 36 // Tallahasee, Florida

Have you been to Woodward before?
I’ve never been to Woodward before, but I’ve wanted to go since the mid 90’s.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
Someone on Reddit mentioned it to me last year soon after the event and I began to plan for it immediately. After hearing it was rollerbladers only with the entire compound open for $100 I knew it was something I couldn’t pass up.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Highlights for me were skating the parks I’ve been seeing for years and years and thinking I’d never be able to skate them. I also got to meet up a friend I haven’t seen in almost a decade, as well as meet up with a bunch of friends from the internet that I’ve met in various online forums.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
The main things I wanted to accomplish were a top acid & a unity on the long rail on Outdoor Street and am happy to report that I hit them both pretty soon into my session hah
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
This one is tough! I saw a lot of really awesome stuff over the weekend. I think the craziest might have been some of the flips that Eric Micheal was doing on the mini mega. Dude was FLYING over that thing like it was nothing.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Honestly, it’s in at least the top 5 best experiences of my life. Everyone I met was super nice, the energy was unbelievable, the parks were all bucket list items that I checked off, and it really just couldn’t have been a better weekend. I’m already counting down the days to going back next year!
Phillip Gripper // 36 // Charlotte, North Carolina

Have you been to Woodward before?
I worked as an instructor at Woodward from 2002-2008. I was last at Woodward in March 2018 with Oak City.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I missed the first WYII and was so bummed to miss out on that many bladers coming together just to hang. Normally you only see that amount when it’s time to compete. The love was overflowing from everyone I interacted with and it was amazing to see how strong and independent our little blade community really is.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
To me the best part was hanging out with and catching up with so many bladers that I’ve become friends with over the past 21 years of my life. Some were my former Woodward students, now adults, some were my mentors when I first started working at Camp and then there’s people like you that over the years become your life long family.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Brandon Ford did my favorite trick in the School. He gapped from a kicker ramp to disaster KG on an up rail the from the ground starts head high, to full cab out from about 10/11 feet up.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
I would have to say that the WYII is the best feel good vibin blade get together going, and I can’t wait to be back for next years. Maybe they can do a twice a year WYII and host the other at Woodward West
Rachel Norkin // 40 // Denver, Colorado
Have you been to Woodward before?
Have you been to Woodard before? If yes when was your first time? When was your last time? Last year’s WYII was my first time at Woodward East. I’d been to West in 2004 and 2005 as an adult and met friends I still have to this day.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
What made you want to come to WYII this year? My bladies crew are all live out East, so this was a great opportunity to meet up with them and have a skate-cation. On top of that, I got to meet and skate with folks I’ve met online through the Back to Blading community. $100 for a weekend of skating Woodward, who wouldn’t want to go?
What were the highlights of your weekend?
What were the highlights of your weekend? The highlights were a mix of getting to spend time with people I only see once a year, seeing how much my confidence and ability skating has improved since last year, and feeling the love of 500+ rollerbladers all in one place.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend? I am probably happiest about how much I skated. It was hard to not skate with so much going on and so many people around. I definitely feel like I made the most out of the weekend. I also skated obstacles this year that I could not skate last year which was exciting.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do? There were so many amazing skaters, but probably the person that really stuck in my mind was watching Eric Michaels skate Cloud 9. That guy boosted everything and threw down super technical tricks. It was really amazing to witness.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
How would you sum up your WYII experience? An unforgettable weekend that filled my heart with so much joy. An experience I will look forward to year after year for as long as Woodward is so kind as to open its doors to us.
Rah A. Mazone // 43 // New York, New York
Have you been to Woodward before?
I have been to Woodward before 22years ago i was 20 my first time going to Woodward and again when I was 23.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I saw how last year event was and wanted to go. And I am so glad I did.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
My highlights of the whole weekend was reuniting with OG friend’s and family. Laughing about old great times and making awesome new ones!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My biggest accomplishments was helping bringing my partner and myself company Blader Brand Global Network to the world of rolling and seeing great new products
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Corkscrew 900 over the mega ramp im mad i forgot the skaters name.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
One of the best and biggest family reunion i could have ever been to and can’t wait for next year’s!
Shawn Rodriguez // 35 // Los Angeles, California

Have you been to Woodward before?
My brother Ricky and I first time at were campers at Woodward East was way back in 1999! He was 10 years old and I was 16.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I came last year with the R&Camp posse and this year I was definitely making sure my brother got to experience this amazing event.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Highlights were Rick and lots of my friends doing the MEGA for their first time. And just silly times like all of us chasing each other thru the snake run
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Dwight harding hitting the fish brain stall!

What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My own fav personal accomplishment was not the tricks but just the amount I skated without getting hurt lol! “SURVIVAL :))
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
A true embodiment of how much rolling means to us all. From the OGs to the adult grommets, it was a warm welcoming and an epic get together of rollerbladers that highlighted the diversity of styles disciplines & different locales we all come from. There was also an amazing trade show that rivaled even the best Bitter Cold Showdown ones.
Stefan Brandow // 31 // Columbus, Ohio

Have you been to Woodward before?
I’ve been to Woodward twice in the past. Once passing through just to stop and see friends for a night, another for two days with some friends that did a little rent out. Both of those were about 8 years ago.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I originally wasn’t able to make it to WYII this year, but last minute I received a bonus from work and my WHOLE crew from Columbus were all attending and driving. They did whatever they could to make me be able to go. Spending time with great friends like that is the exact reason to go to an event like this.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Everyone will say seeing old friends and meeting new ones, but it was truly heartwarming to see the love the organizers have for blading and see so many companies sell out of their product the first night of the tradeshow. Seeing positivity and a true community aspect was an amazing thing.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I always love jumping a good gap, but I forced myself to get creative on some p-rails that I would never have skated on my own.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Late night Saturday there were two sketchy long kinked p-rails put down a steep grass hill from the cabin walkways with a gap after cement park. Adam Bazydlo, Scott Hatton, Luke Naylor, Austin Loomis, Brandon Ford, and others got really wild and sketchy on wild and it ended up feeling like a contest atmosphere with so many friends watching and cheering.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Unexpected and enjoyable. Going into the event with an open mind and being excited to spend time friends and just happen to skate as well made it memorable experience.
Stephanie Falcone // 38 // Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Have you been to Woodward before?
I came to the first WYII event last September. I also used to work at camp in the summers (from 2001 to 2004) and eventually lived there year round for a bit, before moving out west to San Diego. Before I worked at Woodward, my brother and I came to camp as inline skater campers. My first time at camp was in 1998 and I was 16 years old. It was the boom of inline skating back then! Fun fact: I met my husband at Woodward Camp when we both worked there. The last time I was at camp was this past June. I was helping out with Housing for 3 weeks.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I’ve been excited for WYII since the last WYII event. I wanted to come to see all my old skate friends from back in the day. It is about more than just skating at the best place on Earth, it’s also about the people. You get to connect with friends from all over the world that share the same passion as you. Bladers are rare and many of us skate alone (maybe?) or in small groups. It’s absolutely amazing to skate with hundreds of Bladers! You know we aren’t alone and that blading is coming back in a whole new way right now.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
The highlights of my weekend include: skating with old friends, distance skating and hill bombing the beautiful roads around camp at sunrise; cruising the pump track; enjoying the trade show; giving a special speech for Cameron Card being inducted into the Hall of Fame; yoga with Savannah in the morning; sharing the enthusiasm of life with like minded Bladies; and meeting new friends in person (Law, Andrew K, Kyle S, Steve B, Keyre, and more).
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I guess my favorite personal accomplishment would be hitting 30 mph on the downhills of rt. 45 and I did a royale for the first time ever on a curved ledge outside the Playground (thanks Law for the Back to Blading monthly challenge).
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I always love watching Johanny Velasquez and Wake Shepman skate! The young kids are crazy fun! Jo Jo did a straight air flip in outdoor street over his aunt, and with the biggest smile on his face. Wake is just steezy and smooth with all his Cloud 9 mini ramp tricks. I also enjoyed watching my husband, Mike Falcone, skate the Cloud 8 mini ramp.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
My WYII experience was amazing, an absolute blast! Skating isn’t just something you do, it’s something you feel. You feel the wheels rolling along the ground, you feel alive. You feel the energy of the Earth, you feel life because you are life.
Taylor Nelson // 27 // Stratham, New Hampshire
Have you been to Woodward before?
My first time at Woodward was as a camper in 2006 and the last time I was at camp was 2010
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
400+ homies from around the world! I hadn’t been to camp in 10 years and this seemed like the best way to finish the summer.
What were the highlights of your weekend?
I was cruising around a couple of times and people I looked up to as a kid told me I was ripping, made my weekend.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
I had a couple personal vendettas in the cage that I was stoked to grab, got all but one
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
I had my mind blown constantly looking around and watching. Seeing so many different people skate the mega was my favorite. Many walks of life throwing themselves off that booter.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
Not long enough! Another full day at least! Overall it was a perfect weekend. Great time
Tri Tri-Rudolf // 35 // Chicago, Illinois
Have you been to Woodward before?
Yes, 2000 for an ASA Regional Event
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
To skate and see friends
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Enjoying being surrounded by people who love skating. Seeing Jump Street live. Kyle Sola’s articulate answers. Skating til I couldn’t skate anymore, then skating some more.
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
Andy Leitermann teaching me how to hurricane off of grinds.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
Everything Eric Michael and Chad Hornish did.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
It’s an overwhelming and surreal experience where the only things that matter are skating and hanging out.
Wake Schepman // 22 // Salt Lake City, Utah

Have you been to Woodward before?
I have been able to attend Camp Woodward since I was 8 years old and recently went this summer for a few days.
What made you want to come to WYII this year?
I heard last year was amazing and I had the opportunity to go and see friends that I haven’t seen in years. And obviously rollerblade a lot a bit!
What were the highlights of your weekend?
Number one for me was seeing people that I haven’t seen in forever and seeing that they still have the passion of rollerblading. Made me so happy to see that!
What was your favorite personal accomplishment of the weekend?
My goal was to have as much fun as possible and be able to walk after. I succeeded haha, also to do something different and was able to do a fun wall ride to grind.
What was the coolest/craziest trick you witnessed someone do?
One of the best tricks I saw all weekend was when Chad Hornish did topsoul drop ttp on the sub box in the new cage. First try as usual.
How would you sum up your WYII experience?
It was special, definitely different than any contest or get together I’ve ever been to. The environment was very positive and everyone seemed to be there to have fun! I will definitely be back next year!
Check out WYII 2019 Part 2: The Events, Activities and Clinics here.
Contributing Photographers / Filmers
- Adam Bazydlo
- Aaron Schultz
- Brain DePauli
- Caleb Smith
- Jan Eric Welch
- Jason Reyna
- Jimmy Shuda
- John Goez
- Matt Lion
- Richie Velasquez
- Robert Fitzsimmons
- more…
- To check out the facilities at Camp Woodward go here.
- For more information about WYII and to register for camp visit wyii.us.
- For more information about WYII events follow them on Instagram, Facebook and join the Facebook group.
- Check out the article Jacob Barnes wrote about last years “What Year is it?” event for Big Wheel Blading here.
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